Month: January 2021

Business Advice, Startups

Why You Should Invest in a Vector Image for Your Brand Logo

As a start-up, it can be very tempting to go with a very inexpensive, option for your logo and branding package but if you will not be getting a quality logo that is created from a vector image, you are wasting your time and will most likely need to re-brand in the future. You can save yourself a lot of wasted effort and money by getting a good quality vector logo the first time around. It is still possible to get quality work that is not extortionate, you just need to shop around, network, and ask for recommendations from other small business owners.

To understand what a vector logo is, you need to understand the difference between a raster image and a vector image. A Raster image is made of pixels and as you resize it, it will distort and pixelate, this does not happen with a Vector image. Vector images are much more versatile.
Your logo is typically what people will see first, so it is definitely worth investing in something that will project the right image and feel, whilst being able to stand the test of time.

Vector Images:

1. Are infinitely scalable! This means you can make it as big or small as you like without it losing its shape, resolution or quality.

2. Are easily editable. If you want to change the color, hue or rearrange the components of your logo, this can easily be done in Adobe Illustrator (which offers free trials).

3. Have several different export options. While using vector-based programs you can easily save the image in the format that you require for whatever project you need it for.

Having a vector logo will make your website and any other online platforms much more professional and more trustworthy.

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