Category: Startups

Business Advice, Startups

Starting a Business

Starting a business can seem scary, but with the right support and a strong idea, you can quickly go through the setting up process and launch your business with strong foundations. One of the first things you will need to consider is your business idea, how much time you have and the amount of money that you want to put in. Starting a business will take financial, legal and strategic planning. You’re going to need to have the right mindset, focus on your business journey and don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Consistency is key, create habits and routines that will continue even if your motivation starts to wane a little. Take each step, don’t think you can fly towards your goal or get stuck in the planning stages, but break down your goal into individual steps, in order, that you need to take to get there

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Business Investment, Startups

How to get funding for your business

When you first start up a business, having financial backing is essential. There are, of course, costs that need to be paid before you start making any money. Here are a few options available to help you gain the required funds for your business.

Surprisingly, banks are not meant to invest in start-up businesses due to the risks involved. If you want to secure a bank loan, you will likely have to provide collateral (probably your home).

The key is finding the right platform for your business idea. Online Crowdfunding platforms have become popular over the last few years to generate the start-up income needed. Even if you do not generate ALL the income you need, they are a great way of getting publicity.

Business networking and events are a great way to get other businesses and potential investors to see your new business. Try and find out who is attending beforehand and schedule meetings to be as productive as possible.

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Business Advice, Startups

Why You Should Invest in a Vector Image for Your Brand Logo

As a start-up, it can be very tempting to go with a very inexpensive, option for your logo and branding package but if you will not be getting a quality logo that is created from a vector image, you are wasting your time and will most likely need to re-brand in the future. You can save yourself a lot of wasted effort and money by getting a good quality vector logo the first time around. It is still possible to get quality work that is not extortionate, you just need to shop around, network, and ask for recommendations from other small business owners.

To understand what a vector logo is, you need to understand the difference between a raster image and a vector image. A Raster image is made of pixels and as you resize it, it will distort and pixelate, this does not happen with a Vector image. Vector images are much more versatile.
Your logo is typically what people will see first, so it is definitely worth investing in something that will project the right image and feel, whilst being able to stand the test of time.

Vector Images:

1. Are infinitely scalable! This means you can make it as big or small as you like without it losing its shape, resolution or quality.

2. Are easily editable. If you want to change the color, hue or rearrange the components of your logo, this can easily be done in Adobe Illustrator (which offers free trials).

3. Have several different export options. While using vector-based programs you can easily save the image in the format that you require for whatever project you need it for.

Having a vector logo will make your website and any other online platforms much more professional and more trustworthy.

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Startups: Why it’s important to find ways to reduce your outgoings

It can take quite some time for a business to get going in terms of sales, and this is because there are so many stages involved in creating a business that brings in a healthy return. Many individuals have to spend their hard earned cash on branding, product design, product development, marketing, a website, advertising and packaging, and this is all before they get any return at all.

Most startups fail because the high costs of each of these areas means savings are blown quickly, and that’s why you have to prioritise each of these tasks and find ways to save money on each of them. The power of the internet means there’s a lot we can learn online, and rather than hiring too many professionals early on, you can educate yourself. Successful entrepreneurs are those who find ways to reduce outgoings early on, and as soon as your income doesn’t cover your outgoings, you do have to quickly realise you’re in trouble because unfortunately there’s not always going to be light at the end of tunnel.

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Saving money by creating your own website

Web design agencies may be able to deliver the website of your dreams, but they may also leave you feeling a bit hard done by, especially if you don’t see some success straight away. The costs involved in web design are quite high, but that’s often the case when a lot of time and talent is involved.

What if you were able to create your own website and invest your own time rather than your money? Well you can. There are many third party platforms that make it easy for you to create your own website. It can be a case of picking a template and modifying it or adding your own content, but of course with these platforms like Squarespace and WordPress, there is a bit of a learning curve. Having basic HTML knowledge will also come in handy and it depend on how much time you have available to practice making a website, but it can help you save considerable sums.

That said, without any knowledge whatsoever on websites, creating your own is a big challenge. Sometimes the expertise you get from professional designers is worth the money, especially if they can create you a website which provides a return on investment.

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